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Letter of Recommendation Process

obtaining a Letter of Recommendation from your school counselor:

  1. Find out if the school requires (vs recommends/suggests) a LOR from your school counselor.

  2. Fill out the Brag Sheet form with as much info as you can. You will need to upload your academic resume as part of this form.

  3. Come up to counseling and use your counselors QR code to set up an appointment.


  • Don't request a letter the week before your application is due
  • DO start the process 6-8 weeks before your application is due AND do your BRAG Sheet and send in your Academic Resume and Formal Letter of Request
  • Don't miss your appointment(s) if one is scheduled
  • DO reschedule your appointment in advance if you discover you have a conflict
  • Don't have your parents/guardians schedule your meetings
  • DO treat these as formal requests and meetings
  • DO remember to express your gratitude to anyone who writes you a LOR (Teacher, Counselor, Principal, Community Member) one is required to write you a letter of recommendation and they do it on their own time.  Gratitude is important and can enhance the good feelings in case you need a second or different LOR from that same person.

ADA Compliance Errors0

Juneau-Douglas High School


JUNEAU, AK 99801

(907) 523-1616
The City and Borough of Juneau School District complies with all federal and State of Alaska laws, statutes, and regulations, and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran or military status, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, and provided equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in education programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District’s Title IX Coordinator Kristy Germain, 523-1740, Title IX Investigator/Decision Maker Lyle Melkerson, 523-1710, and Section 504/ADA Coordinator and Title IX Appellate Decision Maker Frank Hauser, Superintendent, 523-1702, 10014 Crazy Horse Dr. Juneau, AK 99801
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