Graduation Information
7 days ago
May 25, 2025
4:00 pm
JDHS George Houston Gym

Graduation Seniors check in at the Auxiliary Gym at 3:00 PM for the lineup.
All Students must have ALL textbooks returned.
All fines, fees, books, and Chromebooks must be returned before students will receive their tickets.
- Tickets are available after the mandatory graduation practice on Friday, May 23.
- Each student will receive 8 tickets.
- If your student will be traveling with a JDHS sports team, their coach will let us know of the student's sports travel plans and the student will be excused from the graduation practice. Traveling students may send an adult proxy to the Counseling Office to pick up their graduation tickets after 1:00 pm on Mandatory Practice Day. Again, ALL fees and fines MUST be paid and ALL books must be returned to receive tickets. (We can also hold your student's tickets at the door on graduation afternoon. Please note again: ALL fees, fines, and books must be returned.)
If your family has need of more than 8 tickets:
- Option 1/Best Option: Check with other student families to see if they have extra tickets.
- Option 2: Unused tickets will be turned in at the door before graduation. There may be tickets available, but no guarantees.
Each Graduate will need:
- Black Cap and gown in Matte Black
- Red and Black Tassel
- Two red cords
- OR
- Royal Blue TMHS gowns (may be worn at the 2025 graduation ceremony by TMHS students)
- Royal Blue cap
- Royal Blue Tassel
- White stole

For ordering information of cap and gown, etc..., please contact one of the following vendors:

Martha's Flowers

Josten's/Campus Photography
907-223-1127 or 907-223-6002 or 907-398-6526
JDHS Black gown, cap, tassel & red cords
TMHS Blue gown, cap, white stole & tassel
If students are in need of cap, gown, cords or tassels, for any reason, please contact the registrar at or 907-523-1516. We have some black caps and gowns to loan out.