Counselors' Corner

a day ago

PSAT Sophomores

In January 2020, School Counselors met with Sophomores to review their PSAT results. 

Here are some helpful links that were shared, along with other tips on how to prepare for the SAT 

for the Spring of their Junior Year.  

Please ask your student about this as you prepare for future testing.

The first week of October, Freshmen received the Signs Of Suicide presentation. 

As a prevention curriculum, students are taught to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and suicide and to "ACT". Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a Trusted Adult.
  • Careline: 1-877-266-4357/HELP (24/7 help & support available with trained counselors)
  • National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255/TALK (24/7 help & support with trained counselors)
  • TEXT: "4HELP" to 839-863  3pm-11pm Tues-Sat
  • TEXT: 741-741
  • Trans Crisis Line: 877-565-8860 (24/7 help & support available with trained, transgender counselors)
We encouraged all students to put these resources in their phones so they are easily accessible. Parents and guardians, we encourage you to talk with your students, ask them what they learned and who their Trusted Adults might be. We also encourage you to save the above numbers in your phones in case you ever need quick access to them for yourself or someone else.

A helpful parent/guardian video on how to respond if you are worried about your student can be found here, from the Mayo Clinic. Teen Suicide Prevention

If your final college choice is a Common App school, you must notify your counselor before graduation. No Final Reports on Common App will be completed unless we hear from you BEFORE graduation.

Graduation is Coming! 
Have you ordered your Cap & Gown?
Please visit the Graduation section on the website for all details. 
If you are unable to purchase a cap, gown, and/or tassel for financial reasons, please contact the Registrar.

Course Request changes for Next Year??

If you think you'd like to make a change to the Course Requests you submitted, please see your Counselor or the Registrar ASAP. Better to do it now instead of waiting until August.

Letter of Recommendation Process

a day ago

obtaining a Letter of Recommendation from your school counselor:

  1. Find out if the school requires (vs recommends/suggests) a LOR from your school counselor.

  2. Fill out the Brag Sheet form with as much info as you can. You will need to upload your academic resume as part of this form.

  3. Come up to counseling and use your counselors QR code to set up an appointment.


  • Don't request a letter the week before your application is due
  • DO start the process 6-8 weeks before your application is due AND do your BRAG Sheet and send in your Academic Resume and Formal Letter of Request
  • Don't miss your appointment(s) if one is scheduled
  • DO reschedule your appointment in advance if you discover you have a conflict
  • Don't have your parents/guardians schedule your meetings
  • DO treat these as formal requests and meetings
  • DO remember to express your gratitude to anyone who writes you a LOR (Teacher, Counselor, Principal, Community Member) one is required to write you a letter of recommendation and they do it on their own time.  Gratitude is important and can enhance the good feelings in case you need a second or different LOR from that same person.